Discovery Shopping Mall parking

Jl. Kartika Plaza is quite a busy 2-lane street. Its tourist alley, or more accurately, ‘just arrived tourist alley’. The big draw on the street is Discovery Mall during the day. There is scarce parking on the street, with wall to wall motorbikes. Less chance for cars. Fortunately Discovery Mall has a basement parking area. To the left of the building is a channel for motorbikes to go through, and a larger one for cars. I rode though today and stopped to be handed a paper ticket out of a machine.

Cars were stopped and a metal detector waived over bags inside each vehicle (at least they remembered to open the car doors before waiving the things around). Parking was still in the garage, with me parking almost the whole way back. Access to the Mall is through the center of the parking area. Returning to my bike an hour later I rode
through the ticket check and paid 500rp. Ika made a trip to Discovery Mall a few weeks ago with her sister and auntie in an SUV. She said when the place gets busy its a nightmare, as more cars are let in, parking dries up and everyone is going round in circles, with still more being let in. Today it was working out okay.