Talking to Ningrum about Nyepi in Bali

My house in Seminyak has 5 of us staying here right now. As well as myself are Ika, Jevon, Awang and Ningrum. We have a on of food and I will bbq some steak and chicken later on. Nyepi means we cannot leave the house, even for a minute, the pecalang will be patrolling and will be angry if they see us outside. I’m not Hindu but being in Bali respect their religious beliefs.

The Balinese think evil spirits are looking down on Bali to see if anyone is home. If we all stay inside, without making any noise or using lights, they will assume no one is here and leave Bali in peace or another year. Ningrum is a Javanese Muslim and so takes no part in Nyepi other than being confined to the house. I asked her what Nyepi meant for her.