Busy Bees and Beehives

The other day I was yearning for some decent honey in my tea and I recalled the many times on my sojourns in Java the beautiful honey that you can buy there. In fact, wherever you travel on the main island of the archipelago you will see small stalls selling jars of the delicious nectar from the busy bees. Often, you will even see beehive clusters on the hillside. These are great places to stop at and sample he wares, so to speak. Central Java has some of the most smooth and sweetest honey I have ever tasted and, if you ever get to Yogyakarta then you will see apiarists selling combs of the honey from hessian bags at a ridiculous price.

It was after I stopped drooling at the thought of this honey that I realised in the decades I have explored and researched Bali I couldn’t recollect seeing any beehives. No doubt they exist and if anybody knows of them then I sure would like to know where. In the upmarket hotels on the island of Bali one can have honey massages although the prospect of getting the gooey substance off is a tad daunting. There are ways I could think of but won’t mention that just now!

Photo Credit: www.weltrekordreise.ch/