Temple ceremonies in Bali

On many occasions you will be able to observe at close range the going’s on, if you come equipped with a sarong and a sash. Don’t just go charging in, but ask an older person or one of the pecalang (traffic police dressed in checked black and white sarongs). Temple ceremonies can go on all night. The local temple priest, the pemangku, is responsible for the daily upkeep of the temple, while the pedanda, or high priest will take over for big events. The pedanda will be conspicuous by his white outfit and bead necklaces.

Female dancer will perform a dance called a pendet, which is dedicated to the Gods, they will again perform that dance just before dawn. I have seen all kinds of dances going on at temples and often a dancer will specialize in a particular dance that is performed at a particular temple. If you are lucky enough to be around a local temple away from the city, during a temple festival take the time to check it out. Offerings are always brought to the jeroan (inner courtyard) and placed in appropriate places on raised bales.