Raising kids in Bali

This morning Ika took Jevon to a small local clinic, as his feces contained some blood. She told me before, that he sometimes struggles to go to the bathroom. I said he needs more water, but he doesn’t like plain water. Anyway Jevon looks healthy, and loves his mother’s milk. The climate over here means he sweats a lot, just like the rest of us and needs to replace that fluid.

He get 2 baths a day and by the time I get back from working out at 3.30pm he is ready for the last one. Ika has taken to pushing him round the porch in a laundry bin, to get him to sleep. Its works pretty well, and today I updated the system by tying a sarong to the basket, allowing me to stand while pulling him. He lasted about 30 seconds before falling asleep, head cocked off to the side.

My brother in-law Awang came over at 5.30pm,with a couple of water bottles. Jevon likes playing with them. Hopefully he’ll learn to like what’s inside them.