Jevon has 6 teeth in Seminyak Bali

Jevon the little bugger, has 6 teeth right now (2 bottom and almost 4 top). People have told me he will cry a lot when his teeth start coming through, but that’s not the case at all. Jevon only cries when he wants to sleep, or wants milk. Aside from that he’s a happy little camper playing with an electric nursery rhyme book, that speaks when you open it. Yesterday I got a watering when I was holding him, fresh out of the shower I sat down and said ‘Come to daddy.’

Sitting comfortably on my lap he quietly relieved his bladder, as he has done many time before, maybe I remind him of the bathroom. Have to check my deodorant. He had no reaction to his last immunization, even after the doctor told us he would have a fever for a 3 days. Must be mothers milk.