Helping Cody & Jeff look for a house in Seminyak Bali

Jeff & Cody do not know Seminyak very well and my local knowledge came in handy. Riding down Jl. Drupapi we stopped and checked out a couple of places. One of those, the Mahalini Bungalows has cute 2 storey cottages, a shared pool and plenty of trees. Open air downstairs, AC bedrooms. The price was aroind 40m rp per year. Jeff and Cody don’t know if they are staying in Bali and only want to commit for 3 monthes at a time. They also love 3 things, the internet, AC and PlayStation. Cody told me if the TV doesn’t allow PlayStation they aren’t taking the house.

Anyway the guys want a house that has an AC living room so they can lock out the bugs, and work in a cool climate (maybe they should live in Norway, no bugs and all the cool climate you can handle).
Next house was also on Jl. Drupadi, the place was fully booked for the moment, but the staff told us they’d take us to another place on Gang Plawa.
Stay tuned….