Visa On Arrival (VOA) for Dutch people

Indonesian President SBY has announced that Dutch citizens will now qualify for Visa On Arrival (VOA), instead of having to arrange a visa before they arrive in Indonesia. At the moment there are 34 countries that are eligible for VOA, including USA, Australia and UK. Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony, which may be part of the reason VOA was not initially granted. Politics is such a game of grown men acting like little kids, that history often is a factor.

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende is in Jakarta right now and thanked SBY for the rule change, saying the business community has complained for a long time about the stifling rule. Suspicion over Dutch NGO’s supporting Indonesian separatists also played into Indonesia not giving VOA immediately.

We don’t know exactly when the law will change. Probably hear about it through the Jakarta Post. Don’t bother trying to contact the Indonesian government, they won’t answer.