Talking with Kadek from Dana Yoga Travel Service Kuta

This afternoon I went down to Poppies Lane in Kuta to look up the price of an air ticket for a traveler. Dana Yoga Travel Service, is located outside of Okie House Hotel, next to the BCA ATM. Surprise surprise, who was working but Kadek, the young lady that was there back when I first came to Bali. I remember she is from Karangasem and left to have a baby. Chatting with Kadek she nervously told me about her son, Wayan, that her Balinese husband world nearby and that she lives in Legian.

Dana Yoga Travel Service is a good place to go to get your ticket changed, book a domestic air or bus ticket or book a day tour. They open at 10am and close at 8pm. According to Kadek times have been slow. Kadek looked better in person, I’m just not a good portrait photographer.

Dana Yoga Travel Service
Poppies II

081 24629245