Kuta Beach Bali

Riding home today after a couple of hours in Kuta, I swung by Kuta Beach. The weather today is gorgeous, blazing sunshine, not too much wind and a bit of swell, though nothing big. Tourists were out renting motorbikes, making calls home and enjoying the beach. Getting down to Kuta gives me a feel of the tourist scene, more so than sitting in my bedroom. At Internet Outpost I watched 2 Australian tourists navigate the process of renting a motorbike. They were unfamiliar with the casual way things work out here and wanted to know all the details. Here in Bali the renter doesn’t care what licence you have, or if you have a licence, for them its all about the money.

Only the cops care about the licence. These people today had an Aussie licence but no International Licence. They were able to rent a like but it meant their insurance would be void. By the way the insurance over here, if its does work, will only cover your car / bike in the case of an accident involving a person without insurance.