Kissing not kosher in Tangerang Java

Tangerang Java (next to Jakarta) has passed a law that outlaws kissing in public…for longer than 5 minutes. The anti – pornografi / pornoaksi bill, that is still being discussed by the government, would in its original form, ban kissing in public as well as certain kinds of attire. What is funny is the time limit the Tangerang authorities have given kissers. Four and a half minutes of hot, sensual action in the local bus station, no worries, but get to 5 minutes and you are in hot water.

Here in Bali, a Hindu island that is accepting of many lifestyles, I never see people going for prolonged public kissing sessions. According to Reuters, the law only applies to unrelated people, so if I want kiss my brother in-law, or great aunt, I guess we’re good to go.