Indonesia profile

The BBC website often puts a country profile next to news articles. Here is the BBC profile on Indonesia. They mention that the country rests on cracks between tectonic plates and is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Also the last 10 years has a been turbulent for a variety of reasons. Indonesia is a very complex country, but also one with great potential.

If the governmemt decided to take a part of the country, let’s sat the Maluku’s, and turn it into a national park, that featured high end tourism like the Maldives, or eco tourism like Costa Rica, they might have a hell of a product of their hands. They won’t be doing that, but opportunities abound.

The BBC profile doesn’t even scratch the surface of the natural, political and cultural strengths and weaknesses. Indonesia truly is a fascinating country and for someone looking for adventure, to break out of that package tourism trap, or even package adventure trap, a solo trip through this country would yield tremendous opportunity.