Indonesia not over the ‘visas for Papuans’ saga’

Indonesia is still smarting (or pretending to ) over Australia’s decision to grant 3 year visas for 42 Papuans. Indonesia has been in charge of Papua, formerly Irian Jaya, for over 30 years. The regional is home to spectacular natural beauty, some of the best diving in the world, and extensive minerals. Papuans themselves neither look, nor act like mainstream Indonesians from Java and actually have more in common with Pacific islanders (the word for food is ‘kai kai’, as it is all over the Pacific).

Papua has had a separatist movement going back 30 years and having Australia give Papuans visas, makes Jakarta nervous. President SBY’s spokesman, Andi Mallarangeng, said that the 2 leaders should get together face to face and discuss the future relationship of Indonesia and Australia. Politics always involves posturing, you talk to Peter, by talking to Paul, so to speak. Leaders often have to appear tough in public, and actually negotiate behind closed doors.