Indonesia Giant laboratory

American scientists are lining up to do research in Indonesia. Whether its volcanoes, new species or ancient cultures you are interested in, Indonesia has got plenty to spare. With the recent discovery of a biological Garden of Eden in Papua and the ‘Indonesian Pompeii’ on Sumbawa, this is the hot scene right now.

Places like Egypt are crawling with archaeologists and Central America has plenty of biologists. The remote islands, forests and mountains of Indonesia offer the untouched and unexplored. You can imaging those scientists laying in bed at night thinking about naming a new bird or plant after themselves. Its like the Holy Grail for them.

The Indonesian government doesn’t let just anyone come over and go digging around. I mean you could and no one would know, but in the ‘high brow’ world of academia, where everything has to be verified, forms have to be filled out and permits given. I’d like to get out to the eastern islands myself sometime and do some exploring.