Indonesia – Australia relations. Has Australia gone too far?

Living in Indonesia there seems no end to political & religious problems. Often they overlap, with politics being used to further the aims of religiously motivated politicians and their supporters.

Papuan asylum seekers is the latest lightening rod for frustration (remember Prophet Mohamed cartoons were before that) and some people are asking, ‘when is enough enough?’ At what point does a country like Australia say ‘no, we are not budging another inch’.

If people are floating in a boat off of your coast, do you have the right, or are you compelled to save them? If they claim asylum, that there lives are in danger, do you have the right, or are you compelled to give it to them? Indonesia sees giving asylum to its citizens as a step too far, and has demanded that high level government personnel form Australia come to Jakarta to explain themselves.

The whole tone of how this thing is going on doesn’t lead to being best buddies. Standing up the the neighbors looks good for local poli’s on both sides. Most people in Indonesia have nothing against Aussies, with many having good friends in Australia.