‘Eat, Pray, Love’: A woman’s travels through Italy, India and Indonesia

People stuck in a rut often dream of getting out and some take steps to do that. American author Elizabeth Gilbert was in a rut and decided on taking a year off to explore and enjoy, Italy, India and Indonesia. Her book is called ‘Eat, Pray, Love’.

Its true there are other books around about people looking for a new life (Gaia Grant: A Patch of Paradise). Its also true that a lot of the characters writing these books have plenty of the green stuff in the bank and can afford to ‘hang out with gurus’ searching for some inner truth.

According to the book review Elizabeth Gilbert comes across as genuine, honest and the kind of person who is up or adventure. One thing you have to remember about travel writers, is that they are north the best travelers. The people who have the best adventures don’t write about it. Travel writers are great at taking 10 cents worth of excitement and making a book out it.

Elizabeth Gilbert finds what she is looking for in Bali and you’ll have to buy her book to read her story.