Earthquakes & volcanoes in Indonesia

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are part of life when you live on the edge of a tectonic plate. Today Indonesia had a 5.7-magnitude earthquake, that was centered in the Sangihe archipelago, which is 2,160 kilometers northeast of Jakarta. In Bali we did not feel anything as it was quite far away.

Coincidentally Central Java is preparing for an eruption of Mt. Merapi, with villagers being evacuated. I’m fully expecting Bali to recover from the economic recession, JI (Jemaah Islamiyah) to disband, and 2 weeks later Gunung Agung explodes and wipes out half the island. That’s Murphy’s Law for you, so don’t rule it out.

Here in Bali we are, at the moment, not concerned with earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.