Bali & Singapore weather contrasting

Bali is enjoying beautiful weather at the moment, with cool mornings and evenings, with sunny days. A look at the 10 day weather forecast for Bali shows this will continue for the immediate future.

Here in Singapore its a totally different story! Check out the 10 day weather forecast for Singapore. That’s right, its wet wet wet, with torrential rain lashing the shopping street of Orchard Rd. This lunchtime I did my usual and picked up a new umbrella, no choice as a trip across a main road meant a soaking. The new umbrella cost me $9 Sing and they were selling like hot cakes today. Here at the AJ Internet Center in Lucky Plaza on Orchard Rd, an hour of relatively high speed internet access is $2 Sing.

The strong cloud cover means a break from the searing usnlight, which is one pleasant aspect. This has to be the coolest weather I’ve ever experienced in Singapore, Bali too. Normal Singapore is a sweat bath even at 10pm, with locals either diving into an AC shopping mall or sitting outside at a food ocurt, enjoying the wonderful food Singapore has to offer and sipping an ice cold Tiger beer.