Bali closed on March 30th

Attention all tourists. Bali will be closed on March 30th due to the Nyepi celebration. That sounds like an overstatement but its totally true. There will be no flights in or out of the islands, no shops, beaches, streets, nightclubs, bars or other outside venues open. Tourists are not allowed to venture out between 6 a.m on March 30 to 6 a.m. on March 31.

Nyepi is called the ‘Day of Silence’ where the Balinese must abstain from talking, working, eating, or recreational activities. In traditional households this is still the case, but nowadays, people will cook a lot the night before, so they can enjoy a feast over Nyepi. Nyepi Day changes every year as it runs on the Saka calendar, which is divided into years of between 354 and 356 days. Balinese also use the Wuku calendar, which is based on the 210 day lunar calendar.

Best thing if you are here on holiday, make sure you have enough snacks and get comfortable by your hotel pool. If you want to see a sight, go to Bintang supermarket the afternoon before Nyepi, its a ‘feeding frenzy’ with ‘bules’ carrying on like WWIII will break out the next day. People will be buying up everything they can get their hands on rather than starve for 24 hours.

I am taking Ika and Jevon to a secret location that will be revealed after Nyepi is over.